Monday, October 03, 2005

on Colorado Community Church

One of the deepest blessings for me on this journey has been discovering that the body of Christ extends beyond the parameters of physical and mental boundaries. I have been blessed to stumble upon a most wonderful church. Located in Denver, it has two campuses, with immediate plans to launch a third, and long term plans for five locations by 2020. Self-titled a 21st Century Church with 1st Century Power, it is both an intercultural and interdenominational church, and in many ways it feels like home. It’s been said that Sunday morning is the most segregated time of the week, and coming from a multi-ethnic family, that’s long been heartbreaking to me. I strongly believe we are all one in Christ, and I’m thrilled to be part of a church with cultural, ethnic, socio-economic and denominational diversity during this season. I encourage you to check out the website by clicking on the green link above, and in particular, listen to the sermons on covenant living.
Here are some aspects that are particularly appealing to me, things that I think are fruit of a healthy, dynamic church:
  • Project 1.27 is a ministry to fulfill the commitment the pastor made to find homes for the 800 foster and adoptable children in Colorado. It almost functions like a private foster/ adoption agency. Check it out! You know that's close to my heart!
  • 5 + 5 is a tithing concept where 5% goes to CCC and 5% to another church or ministry of choice. This openhanded attitude of "growing fruit on others' trees" is new to me and very refreshing. In fact, there's even an annual offering taken Thanksgiving eve that funds anonymous donations to ministries in need.
  • My first Sunday, the pastor welcomed visitors by saying something about the church and different types of churches, and that if we didn't feel comfortable here, so and so had a great ministry, and such and such across town was really anointed, and that other place should really be checked out, even by members of CCC because God's really moving there. This demonstrates the attitude that all the churches in Denver are literally the body of Christ. There's no arrogance that CCC has a special anointing, just that they're one of the parts of the whole.
  • Another philosophy is that of members covenanting to serve. This is exemplified by a saying they have, "If you don't want to do anything to serve God here, please find another church that's okay with that because we need your parking space." And yes, for my friends reading this, I did say "members". If you really want to keel over, I have to say that I'll be attending a membership class that's coming up.
  • And, this is a BIG church with five services at the campus I attend, not like our little River that's still in the early stages of maturation. I never thought I'd attend a big church, but the lead pastor works so hard at being inclusive. I attend the Upper Room, a novel idea for an overflow room that serves coffee and pastries in a round table setting. It's such a creative solution and fosters relationship and community in a way that a sanctuary often doesn't. Even though I watch the sermon on one of many monitors (think sports bar) the pastors are so intentional about acknowledging us that against all odds it feels very intimate.
  • Another example of this idea of being vessels and tools in God's hand is a generosity of resources. There are pew Bibles which people are encouraged to take home and keep, and be sure to get a nice one that's not all dog-eared yet.
All that being said, I have to say that I miss, long, and ache for the extended worship of my home church, The River. It reminds me that all our longings will only ultimately be fulfilled in heaven.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope in my heart, yes The River is your home church, funny from one who fought membership Tooth & Nail :) but you are forever, eternally part of us as we are part of the gr8r body of Christ!!!